Predecessor Builds > Aurora > Aurora Supp

Build Updated at: 2024-06-13 14:53:59 UTC
Aurora Supp
Author: Sixxer (Bronze III)
Role: Support

❄ Core Items ❄

First, Crescelia for the mana regen and MP. You also get your CDs back even faster and deal more damage when you do your root+cone+hit combo.

Next, Dynamo. This ups your damage more for your root combo and gives you some more tankiness vs. the enemy Carry.

Next you can either go Dreambinder or Flux Matrix. I suggest Dreambinder as it adds to your ability to tank and slows people you trap in your root. Plus, Dreambinder gives MP, which will let you proc Dynamo's extra effect of increasing your Magic Power > Phys Power.

Flux Matrix is the cherry on top, letting you deal even more damage.

VS Magic Dmg ✨

If there's a mage that has been harassing your lane, build one of the next items either 3rd or 4th (or both). All of these items give Magic Armor.
- Spellbreaker: More Magic Power, 15% MP increase, and a shield that blocks abilities.
- Unbroken Will: Good vs stuns and roots. Makes you tankier with a big HP boost.
- Crystalline Cuirass: A bit of health regen and some more HP. Also, increasing move speed as you get stacks. Only get this if they have a lot of magic dmg.
- Tainted Bastion: Reducing a mage's healing and makes you tankier with a big HP boost. Good against pesky midlaners that keep coming to duolane (ie, Gideon).

VS Physical Dmg 🏹

These items are good against the enemy Carry and Junglers like Khai and Serath. All gives phys armor but are more offensive than defensive.
- Dawnstar: A bit of phys armor and health regen. Combos well with the above core items so you can assassinate anyone who gets stuck in your root.
- Golem's Gift: Gives you phys armor and more Magic Power. Great for diving the enemy Carry.
- Tainted Guard: A nice boost of HP and ability haste, plus a bleed effect on anyone that basic attacks you.

Flex Items 💪🏻

Items for a good mix of situations with varying utility.
- Frostguard: A great option for both mag and phys armor, plus it combos well with the core items.
- Gaia Greaves: The move speed increase is nice, letting you traverse the map and chase down enemies. Plus a bit more tankiness.
- Tainted Scepter: More Magic Power, damage, and an antiheal. Great vs characters like Narbash.
- Frosted Lure: More tankiness with armor and HP. Good against duos/teams with low mobility who you can dive easily.
- Raiment of Renewal: Makes you a mega HP tank with lots of sustain. Good as a 5th or 6th item if you're not hurting for anything specific.

Core Items
VS Mages/Ability Dmg
VS Phys Dmg/ADC
Flex Items
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed