Predecessor Builds > Kira > Black Panther Kira
play safe and feed. By level 13/14 and item 4 you will be a GOAT
Complimentary supports: Phase + Argus have worked really well with Kira in duolane in my experience
Go for hand cannon first, get all three abilities by level 3, and then prioritize mostly the Primary move (cleanse) with some alternate ability (hand cannon) thrown in there. Keep in mind that your basic attack, hand cannon, and ultimate all stack vengeance (Kira's passive) on the opponent. Try to save your cleanse for when they flash/manuever away and they're low on health, and try to use it when you've got stacks on multiple targets. Getting a double kill from Dusk is such a satisfying feeling.
Use Shadow Glide strategically. It can be a great chasedown tool, a life saving backing tool, and it can also farm a lot of extra damage just by using it to move laterally in a direction your opponent isn't expecting