Predecessor Builds > Iggy & Scorch > Spitfire Iggy & Scorch + Complete Guide

Build Updated at: 2024-06-07 11:58:23 UTC
Spitfire Iggy & Scorch + Complete Guide
Author: NervousRat317
Role: Midlane

Read the instructions carefully. There is a whole strategy behind this build.

I'm into unconventional builds for I&S because everyone plays the duo heroes always the same. Magic damage bla bla bla. I like to surprise the enemy team. So here is my favorite build!

Scorch will barf your enemies to death and you'll be more mobile. It's a funny and effective build if played right. You'll give your team an advantage by killing Fang and mini prime early game.

-The build and thought proces behind it-
Attack speed + Passive x Magic damage = face melting.
Starting with the passive of I&S: his basic attack applies Slick to enemies hit, slowing them by 2.00% per stack for 3s, up to a maximum of 5 stacks. Enemies with any Slick that are damaged by fire abilities and are Ignited for 3s taking 2.4 (+0.4 per level) (+2%) magical damage per second per stack.
With increased attack speed thanks to Typhoon, Prophecy and Plasma Blade, Scorch will hilariously hurl quicker than enemies will realize that they are fucked. Due to the passive you will slow them and increase the damage they will take over time. The other items will still make I&S a viable option to fight from a distance and deal serious damage. The higher your magic damage is, the harder the basic hits will hit when you're at mid range. Use the ult to push enemies away, or into a tower- or other kinds of trouble.

Try to make sure to hit 4 times in a row even before you really engage. You'll attack faster, but you'll also be able to do a dash. The dash is key in this build. Use it to reposition yourself or simply get to safety. Don't turn and dash. Just choose the direction and go. This will make it harder for them to predict your escape. It takes 20 seconds before you can use it again. Be mindful about this. Killed an enemy? Dash out. Got the tower? Dash out. Don't let them retaliate on you.

Fangtooth, mini Prime and ganks.

Early game:
Play it safe. After 6 minutes, go back and buy as much of Prophecy as you can after you have pushed the lane. Go straight to Fangtooth. Try to figure out where the enemy jungler is, to minimize a gank. Kill Fang, go back to the lane and play it safe. You'll be at 60% health and low-ish on mana. If you have enough gold for the rest of Prophecy, go back to base and buy it. Go to the lane and push it. Then, if you are alone on the lane, go to mini prime and kill it. Use the buff to push offlane as far as you can. If done right and with a bit of luck, you can destroy two towers. Sometimes even get the inhib. This a big responsibility in the early game but nobody will expect this. Keep wards on the river and don't engage to much with the other midlaner

Mid game:
Get in - Get out.
Stay on mid and get your farm. Keep looking out for gank opportunities and keep an eye out for Fangtooth. Kill it whenever you see the chance. Be a disrupter, but don't get killed for it.

End game:
Help with the prime objectives and push towers. In team fights you don't want to be the first one in. Iggy is still very squishy. Wait for someone to engage and set turrets where the enemies will be- not are. Run into the fight when the focus is not on you and basic hit them. You can seriously do some heavy damage and melt them away. Even late game.

Alternate items for Combustion and Oblivion Crown:
Noxia - Extra burst for ganks
Azure core - if you want an extra safety option
Spirit of Amir - Quicker lane clear and sustain in the jungle

Key items
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
17 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed