Predecessor Builds > Aurora > Duel Queen (Offlane/Jungle/Brawl)

Aurora Offlane is all about fast wave clear and positive damage trading. Prophecy really helps with both of these objectives and allows you to snowball fast. To start with you will want to try to RMB the enemy hero as well as the minion wave. When you get ice thorns, try to root the enemy as they are pressed against your wave and hit them with frost cone while they are rooted. Do not prioritize getting auto attacks on the enemy unless you know you can kill them. While you're farming, you just want to chip away their health and be far enough away by the time they are out of your cc that they can't retaliate. Save your double jump and Ice Wall for escaping ganks. If you are against a Grux or a Greystone, you will need to build defense right after finishing Prophecy, or else you won't win trades. If you are up against a strong magical foe like a mirror Aurora or Kwang and you are losing trades, you will need to build flux quicker. If Aurora, Riktor, or Steel are CC'ing you to death, you may want to consider going Spellbreaker second. The ability protection does a good job at remedying the cc and you still get a pretty good magical power spike. Keep in mind that Magnify will give you omnivamp so only stray from choosing that second if you really need defense over sustain.
In mid to late game you are capable of burning down most objectives solo, and can nearly ensure the objective for your jungler if you help out. So you will want to keep your lane pushed into the enemy and rotate to objectives and to mid and off as needed. You will also want to start stealing the enemy jungle as camps will simply melt to your E and RMB combo.
Situational items are mostly if you start snowballing and don't need as much defense. Noxia and Worldbreaker will make you very very bursty. So, if you are on your third item and the enemy doesn't seem to have an answer for you and you don't feel too squishy then go ahead and push for higher damage items like the ones in situational.