Predecessor Builds > Feng Mao > Feng 1.0

The Build
This build has 3 versions. Ability Haste, Mana Scale, Health Scale (testing).
Core items are Malady and Anything with Pen
These builds are meant to be built in any order. Change build order based on how the game plays out.
Ability Haste:
Standard Feng assassin build. Burst damage hero
crest: assassin > Nex
Item 1(Core)
wave clear
Item 2 (Core)
Mutilator- Sustain and hp% dmg
Item 3 (Flex)
Perforator- %Pen
Item 4 (Flex)
Penumbra- Ability cooldowns
Item 5 (Flex)
Tainted Trident- Anti heal and pen scale
Item 6 (Flex)
Envy- silence
Bonus (Flex)
Painweaver- movement and armor shred
Mana Scaling:
Alt build that is more lane focused
crest: assassin > Nex
Item 1 (Core)
Soul Chalice > Mind Razer
Mana > wave clear
Item 2 (Core)
Infernum- Mana, HP% damage.
Alt Mutilator- Sustain and hp% dmg
Item 3 (Core)
Painweaver- movement and armor shred
Item 4 (Flex)
Perforator- %Pen
Item 5 (Flex)
Resolution- Atk Spd and mana scale
Item 6 (Flex)
Envy- silence
Health Scale (TESTING):
Test Bruiser build. Ult scales off of damage and pen.
crest: assassin > Nex
Item 1
wave clear, %hp ph dmg
Item 2
Penumbra- Ability cooldowns
Mesmer- Spell shield
Item 3
Tainted Blade- Blight
Item 4
Painweaver- movement and armor shred
Nightfall Heals
Item 5
Bonesaw- %health ph dmg
Salvation- HP, Ten, Shield
Item 6
Perforator- %Pen
Gameplay Tips
Early Game
Passive is very useful for trades. You have to hit with your basic first and you cannot take damage first. Shield in, basic, hamstring then back away. Shield damage will not put your passive on cooldown and will the shield will absorb the minion damage long enough for you to step away and wait for cooldowns to reset.
Careful with your dash. Rarely use it aggressive. Feng doesnt have a large HP bar so use this to escape damage unless you can kill with a dash. Also good to save your dash for enemy blink. Shield gives movement so use that until they blink.
Mid Game
Once your wave clear item is online. You can focus on rotates. Start being the assassin and focus on keeping a high tempo.
Feng is very good at stealing enemy jungle camps.
Team Fights
Play around your team. Wait for them to engage the front line and you can dive the backline. Look at who is ahead and target them in team fights. Take advantage of your burst and movement. Dive back line, all in one enemy, avoid stuns and back off, repeat.