Predecessor Builds > Riktor > Daddy's Home (OFFLANE Riktor Build)
At long last Riktor is viable in offlane again!!!
With the system-wide changes to health and armor, Riktor finally does enough damage to reclaim his lane bullying capabilities from earlier patches. START AND MAX SHOCK THERAPY FIRST. This is the key to playing Riktor offlane. Shock Therapy does so much damage with such a low cooldown. The whole early laning phase revolves around sneaking in hits of Shock Therapy wherever possible, almost like a Zarus spear thrust or Grux Double Pain. Look mostly to poke with Shock Therapy from levels 1 to 5. If you land the silence you can push the trade further with Electrocute from level 2 on, but you'll want to back off once the Electrocute is finished until you have Fist of Razuul online.
Speaking of Fist of Razuul, this item is so underrated it's borderline concerning. The added health and damage from Razuul's Might along with Titan Crest put you ahead in almost every trade, and the 30% minion damage makes pushing your tower extremely difficult for the enemy offlaner. You do have pretty significant mana problems before Cerulean Stone is completed, so make sure not to spam abilities non-stop before you have your mana regen online.
The true beauty of this build is you have the option to play like a carry and split push to generate pressure OR use the increased clear speed to push and roam to skirmishes and team fights. Once Fire Blossom/Void Helm are online you can 1 v 2 so long as you use your abilities correctly.
It is important to note that because of the system-wide changes you aren't as tanky as you used to be, this is why you MUST GO RAZORBACK EVERY GAME. Otherwise, ADCs WILL MELT YOU. Even with Razorback DO NOT try to 1 v 1 an ADC. Tanking in this patch is much more about absorbing the enemy teams abilities and creating space than it is absorbing damage. You also have the ability to set up fights with a good hook or ult engage. Or you can just ignore all that bullshit and split push with FoR's added minion damage and Electrocute.
The experimental starter is something you should ONLY go if the enemy team has 4/5 out of 5 characters that primarily use magical damage. You see this a lot this patch with things like enchanter support plus Grim.EXE carry, or Countess/Shinbi/Aurora jungle with Shinbi/Aurora offlane. When you use the experimental starter it's important to spend as little time as possible with the enemy ADC provided they do physical damage.