Predecessor Builds > Grux > Standard Grux

Your go-to build for Grux on patch 0.18. Mutilator is back in the meta baby.
Take Double Pain first level into everything except Zarus. Zarus is overtuned this patch and is the only (I repeat, THE ONLY) character that can beat you early. Against Zarus start with Smash And Grab to pull the wave away and farm safely, then pick up Double Pain second.
You may swap the positions of Earth Shaker and Bonesaw to your liking. It can be good to go for Bonesaw second against mages and assassins. You get enough health from Earth Shaker and Bonesaw that you shouldn't need to pick up magical armor against Aurora and Shinbi early, but Mistmeadow Buckler is a decent fourth option that you can push to third if you're really struggling.
Your ultimate goal is to get ahead enough to get Salvation as early as possible. If you can get to fourth item before anyone else you win the game through 1 v 1 and 2 v 1 split pushing. Falling behind on Grux means death, but if you do find yourself behind drop salvation for one of the flex items mentioned above and try to contribute as much as you can either through split push pressure or by finding good roam timings to help out in team fights/skirmishes.