Predecessor Builds > Sevarog > Sev Boi

I've been playing a lot of sev and noticed there were not as many people playing him right now so the builds were lacking. Wanted to put my two sense out there.
For starters, the reason I don't use fireblossom is because it really doesn't do too much for Sev other than a tiny bit of extra dmg (Only really good for minions but elafrost does more than enough to clear). Elafrost and Fist offer a better form of dmg in my opinion because you really dont want to stay in the front 100% of the time with sev in this meta. You want to move in and out getting roots and ganks to support your team.
Elafrost is a very stong item for Sev atm. It synergizes with basic attack weaving and providing much needed mana regen especially in the offlane.
Second item I really like Flux matrix. It gives extra dmg but most importantly decreases tenacity of the enemy which helps with rooting them longer for more dmg.
Third item can be a couple different things but with the recent buff to tainted guard I think it's a good third pick in most cases.
The 4th-6th slots are really up to you. I think giants ring is a solid go-to if you're not sure what to get since it gives you a good mix of offence and defense. Frosted Lure is an interesting item I'm looking into. The 5th and 6th items should be for countering the enemy team.