Predecessor Builds > Morigesh > 100% W

Morigesh, As you may know has almost 0 escape potential so positioning is very much key.
Be aware of were enemy Jungle is at all times so use wards, only use "Y" if securing a kill or escaping ONLY death.
Get your escape first ability as it does the most damage starting out as lvl 1, focus on back minions after ability. Once you gain level 3 you MUST establish pressure in lane with your curse(AFTER HITTING WAVE).
Mostly rinse and repeat but be wary of taking unnecessary damage. Almost all items but time warp & oblivion give your ult extra damage if they are running away & under 40%Health, which will be most of the time.
Stay in safe positions and start looking for rotations after getting ult but only if you have pressure in lane which should your main goal from the first wave.