Predecessor Builds > Gadget > Bound Gadget
Mid-Tanky Gadget Build
What You Are
A semi-tank who trades well in lane and dishes out mad damage late-game.
What You Are Not
A completely tanky build. The team should have at least one other tanky character for this to work as part of a team composition.
1st Items
Complete Alchemical Rod, them move straight on to items 2+.
Only complete Azure Core once you have reached 400 stacks on Alchemical Rod.
Lane Phase
Gadget trades well with most standard offlane picks. Harass with your sticky mine at the enemy and force them to back off. This also helps build stacks in Soulbinder.
Try to avoid pushing the lane too hard until you have your 6. You are a bit vulnerable to ganks.
Flex Items
Consider carefully. Your aim is to be a bit tanky, but if your team is beginning to snowball I tend to lean more into damage in this patck (0.18) and go for more standard Mage items to dish out more damage...