Predecessor Builds > Riktor > ⚔️ BRAWL - Riktor Hookin' Like Your Mom!
I've played a LOT of games with Rik in Brawl using variations of this build, and it slaps booty cheeks!!
The key to any build, especially in BRAWL is to adjust on the fly based on what the other team is building/doing.
My first 3 items are almost always
- Fire Blossom
- Fist of Razuul
- Flux Matrix or Dawnstar depending on type of damage that is hurting me the most early game
3rd Item will depend on how much magic damage or healing they have. If they have a ton of magic, which is common in BRAWL, build Crystaline & Flux Matrix right after. If they have lots of heals, make sure you include a Tainted Item as well.
Don't be afraid to take the time to see what the enemy is building, and then try to counter it with your own build. This will set you apart from a good player, to a great & more successful player.
Go have fun, and hit me up on Discord if you have any questions or recommendations @ MyLittlePwny