Predecessor Builds > Aurora > Auroragedon

Hey everyone,
I'm Dodigedon, currently a Master-tier player aiming to become one of the best Offlaners in the EU. I have a 75% win rate with Aurora and would like to share my builds with you. I stream on Twitch and manage the Aurora Mains Discord server. Join us for deeper insights into Aurora's world!
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I'll keep this guide updated for every patch and include insights from the community. Let's dive in!
All-Rounder Build
Are you new to the game and want to focus more on in-game action rather than constantly checking what to buy? This build is perfect for you. It fits into every game, ensuring you won't feel useless and will have a lot of fun.
- Easy to Play
- Fits Every Team Composition
- Hard to be Useless 😂
Ironwall Build
Had a rough time in the lane? Just want to teamfight and let your carries shine? Try this build out.
- Hard to Kill
- Extremely Tanky
- Low Damage but Highly Annoying
Snowball Build
When the game is going smoothly, and you find yourself dominating the match, this build is your ticket to finishing it off in style. Packed with damage and still maintaining a level of tankiness, this build empowers you to take control and lead your team to victory.
- Highest Damage Output
- Capable of Easily Eliminating Enemy Carries
- Requires More Skill to Play Due to Lower Tankiness
Embrace the power of this build when you're on top of the game and ready to snowball to victory!
Feel free to join the discussion and get more tips and tricks from fellow Aurora enthusiasts. Happy gaming!