Predecessor Builds > Muriel > Muriel - V0.19
Muriel turns tides in team-fights with helpful auras and on-hit effects. You will more often than not get the most value from Tranquility, but Silentium and Reclamation have their places against the right comps. Build Tainted Totem wherever you want in the build order if the situation calls for it (i.e. first vs. Narbash or Phase)
In Offlane, Muriel uses this lane to split push and cross-map rotate into team-fights/run away from being collapsed on by enemy heroes. Preferably paired with a hard diver like Rampage, Crunch, or Kallari. Mileage may vary… Skill max goes Q<RMB<E in this lane. You have to be wary of your lane before you rotate, like any offlaner. It is very easy for enemies to hard push your lane in particular once you blast off and make a lot of space for themselves there.