Predecessor Builds > TwinBlast > The Bullet Storm - Twinblast ADC 1.0

Build Updated at: 2024-08-22 22:08:05 UTC
The Bullet Storm - Twinblast ADC 1.0
Author: 🎮 user-a77d7873 (Silver II)
Role: Carry

TwinBlast ADC Guide: Bullet Storm

Lock and load, because TwinBlast is here to rain down bullets and blast through enemies with unstoppable firepower. This guide will transform you into a high-octane killing machine, leveraging TwinBlast’s relentless attack speed and burst damage to dominate the battlefield.

Starting Strong: Occult Crest → Typhoon

Typhoon is the perfect starter for TwinBlast:

  • +25 Magical Power
  • +100 Max Health
  • +8 Ability Haste

Synergy: Typhoon sets the pace for TwinBlast’s aggressive playstyle. The Cyclone passive synergizes perfectly with his basic attacks, rapidly ramping up his attack speed. As you build stacks, Mirage provides a dash that adds mobility, allowing you to stay in the fight longer or disengage when necessary. The added attack speed from Cyclone combined with TwinBlast’s Gunslinger passive, which boosts attack speed after casting abilities, makes this item a no-brainer for earl...

Building Power: Soul Chalice

Next, focus on stacking Soul Chalice:

  • +10 Physical Power
  • +150 Max Mana

Synergy: Soul Chalice provides crucial mana and physical power early on. With Potent Font, you’ll stack mana with each minion kill, eventually converting a portion of that mana into additional physical power. This is key for sustaining your mana pool to spam abilities like Vortex Grenade and Rocket Dash, allowing you to remain aggressive in lane and maximize your damage output.

Razor Sharp: Mindrazor

Time to cut through the competition with Mindrazor:

  • +50 Physical Power
  • +300 Max Mana
  • +20 Ability Haste

Synergy: Mindrazor elevates TwinBlast’s damage by turning his basic attacks and abilities into area-of-effect threats, thanks to Razor Cleave. This passive synergizes well with Vaporize, applying the area damage to all enemies hit by your superheated projectiles. The added mana and ability haste ensure you can continuously pressure the enemy, keeping them on the back foot as you whittle them down with relentless attacks.

Burn Them All: Infernum

Let’s bring the heat with Infernum:

  • +40 Physical Power
  • +6 Physical Penetration
  • +250 Max Mana
  • +15 Ability Haste

Synergy: Infernum adds a burn effect with Cinder, which perfectly complements TwinBlast’s rapid-fire basic attacks and abilities. The more you attack, the faster your enemies burn. Furnace further amplifies this burn, especially against heavily armored targets, ensuring that no one can withstand the heat TwinBlast brings to the battlefield.

Deadly Precision: Envy

With Envy, TwinBlast becomes an executioner:

  • +40 Physical Power
  • +7 Physical Penetration
  • +250 Max Mana

Synergy: Envy is all about taking control of the fight with Hush. After using Rocket Dash to engage or reposition, Hush silences your target, cutting off their escape or counterattack. This is especially deadly in combination with Ventilate, where you can unload your full clip while the enemy is silenced and unable to respond. Envy gives TwinBlast the edge in duels and team fights, ensuring your enemies have no chance to fight back.

Relentless: Omen

Seal the deal with Omen:

  • +45 Physical Power
  • +8 Physical Penetration
  • +10 Ability Haste

Synergy: Omen empowers TwinBlast’s aggressive style by reducing cooldowns with Bestial Momentum. As you rack up stacks by moving and attacking, you’ll continuously empower your next attack and lower the cooldowns of your non-ultimate abilities. This means more Rocket Dashes, more Vortex Grenades, and more relentless pressure on your enemies. Omen ensures that TwinBlast remains in the thick of the fight, dealing consistent damage and maintaining mobility.

Final Blow: Deathstalker

Finish them off with Deathstalker:

  • +40 Physical Power
  • +5 Physical Penetration
  • +20% Attack Speed

Synergy: Deathstalker makes TwinBlast an unstoppable force in the late game. With Virulent Strikes, every basic attack shreds the enemy’s armor, and Onslaught cranks up your attack speed. This item is all about maximizing TwinBlast’s damage output, ensuring that you can tear through even the toughest opponents in seconds. Combined with Ventilate, Deathstalker allows you to melt through enemies with terrifying efficiency.

Late-Game Evolution: Resolution

Once Soul Chalice has stacked up, evolve it into Resolution:

  • +35 Physical Power
  • +20% Attack Speed
  • +6 Physical Penetration
  • +300 Max Mana

Synergy: Resolution is the late-game powerhouse item, giving TwinBlast everything he needs to dominate. Darksteel adds bonus damage to every basic attack, further increasing your DPS. Potent Font continues to stack mana and convert it into physical power, ensuring you remain a threat well into the late game. Fully stacked, Resolution turns TwinBlast into a machine-gunning beast, tearing through the enemy team with relentless and unforgiving firepower.

Strategy for Maximum Carnage

  • Early Game: Farm up with Soul Chalice and use Typhoon to build attack speed quickly. Utilize Rocket Dash for quick repositioning and Vortex Grenade to harass enemies. The goal is to farm efficiently and prepare for your mid-game power spike.
  • Mid-Game: With Mindrazor and Infernum, you’re ready to dominate team fights. Use Vaporize and Ventilate to maximize damage output, applying burn and area damage to melt through the enemy team.
  • Late Game: With Envy, Omen, and Deathstalker in your arsenal, your objective is clear—eliminate key targets and dominate the battlefield. Use Hush to silence critical enemies and unleash hell with Ventilate. Evolve Soul Chalice into Resolution to maintain your dominance and ensure no one survives your onslaught.

Dominate the Field

This build turns TwinBlast into a relentless ADC, perfectly tailored for high burst damage and sustained firepower. With every bullet, every burn, and every crit, you’ll be the storm that shatters your enemies’ defenses. Lock and load, TwinBlast—you’re about to rewrite the rules of engagement.

Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed