Predecessor Builds > Khaimera > Jungle, damage dealing ganker
Eviscarator (crest crossbow) helps out with attack speed, and Khimeria relies on life steal.
Berserk Axe helps out with damage ability cooldown and movement speed for chase and running to help in jungle help.
Sky splitter helps with mainly attack speed and life steal, which you need for Khimeria
Now you have a choice for tainted guard if they have a mainly a gruax (jungle), you should use Stonewall so you don't get 1 tapped by ultimate or if they use heavy magic then go legacy which is useful for a lot of stun mains on the other team, but don't get dracum until later. But ya tainted guard helps with decay damage. If they get out with a sliver of health, they will hopefully still die, and you get ability cooldown and defensive iteam
Bonesaw is a good one for slowing opponents (for chase) and getting more damage
Now, for the dracum, you can get or you get the other defensive items that I have talked about for tainted gaurd, or you just get tainted guard
Lastly, the Profector is personally what you want, but personally, I get it for the armor negotiation and damage, but hey, you can go a defensive iteam like legacy but remember you need to do damage.
Quick tips
Grab orb near offlane lane, grab all the farm, then go to support and carry lane, grab all the farm, then communicate with your carry and support to kill there carry and to eventually make the carry weak because carries are crucial late game.
For mid game, whenever a lane is clear and no one needs help, grab Fang, then orb with the team for orb prime, but you can solo baby orb before 20 min and fangtooth
Late game, you are weak if you don't have that much armor, but you do damage, so you can't solo heroes
Overall, you are not a solo jungle. You are a crucial gank jungle for team play. You can only solo fang and orb, and remember, if you're new, don't feed (don't run in and die) communicate do group posts if you're on xbox. But all I can say is that if your new or old people have good battles and have fun with a squad.