Predecessor Builds > Serath > Kill Chain Serath

Multi-kill Serath build. Not my go-to, but very fun.
The synergies:
Judgement, Sky Splitter, Nightfall and Onixian all heal, which is boosted by Draconum. Between Penumbra, her passive, Nightfall and Draconum, you get a heal, an overshield and all of your abilities back on a kill or assist. Earthshaker boosts your ability damage, which allows Nightfall to heal more, and you can take advantage of easily because your abilities keep resetting.
Start red side, try to farm early and only gank if there's a good opportunity. It's okay to lose first Fang. Invade if you see them on Fang or the other side of the map. You're a menace once you have Penumbra. Take Tainted only if you really need to, such as if their best player is Khi/Grux/Crunch/Greystone, or if they have a Narb.