Predecessor Builds > Shinbi > Shinbi Jungle and Offlane
First Build:
Standard Jungle Bruiser build, when you already got enough Magic DMG in your team = Go for a bit more tankiness. Switch Magnify to World Breaker when you got your full build. Reason: Stats are quite nice, but what makes Magnify op is its passive in the early game. An up-front burst which can't be dodged + the light MR-Shred just for walking around and casting abilities is realy strong. But in the late game there are better passives
If you need to be tanky more early on, build tank items earlier - don't be too rigid in the building order, but witht he first 2 items.
Assassin Builds
Less tanks = Flat Pen will be more efficient. Switch Magnify to Combustion when you are full build.
The heavy tank builds
Still in practice if they are efficient and only if the enemies have 3 tanks and your team has none. Be a nuisance to the enemy carries. Go in, do some DMG, back off until your cooldowns come up again and repeat. Try to stay as healthy as possible. 2 builds for an enemy magic and physical comp. Here are the only builds in which Prophecy couldbe efficient. Keep in mind, that this build don't support your actual role as a DMG dealer with maybe slightly more tankiness. Also needs further testing.
Scaling Offlane build
Best results with these builds. On Offlane you can scale almost for free and you don't have to be ready at minute 20-25 like an assassin. Be another late game insurance for your team. Why no Caustica vs Bruiser? Most Bruisers will stack mostly life and just a bit of Magical Armor, so Noxia should be enough for them. Instead take an Oathkeeper for their carries in the late game.