Predecessor Builds > Countess > Hard to deal with countess offlane
I am making this mostly for myself to remember everything. Still working on skill order. As far as items that is another work in progress these are the core items. Most of the time you should have tempest, brimstone, and world breaker as soon as possible. Followed by lifebinder and after that it's dependand on what type of enemy you are facing or if you feed or not. From here you can deviate to the other items if needed. Oathkeeper is the next item you should look into unless you are being locked down with cc then build into Truesilver braclet. Megacosm and Oblivion crown are both great if you are not dealing with the issues I added the other item for. Another important item to get as early as you can some what to find and remove wards. This isn't 100% my idea for the build but looking through a lot of countess and mage builds. Again this is intended for myself but if people like it or have ideas on how to improve it let me know.