Predecessor Builds > Drongo > Crit healing
100% Crit to maximize benefit of passive with high lifesteal.
This build formerly included Vamquisher as it was handy if an enemy hero flees and the DoT from Drongo’s passive ticks them to 5% and they get executed.
However, that utility seems to be outweighed by aimply having front have higher attack speed and more on-hit item effects.
Vanquisher can still be swapped in if it feels necessary.
If the enemy team does not have high healing, I would swap out Irradiated Rounds for Equinox (added survivability) or Nuke Rounds (higher ability damage).
I start out with Sky Splitter and then Onixian Rounds because it maximizes the ability to stay in lane and aggressively farm, between the lifesteal and hitting multiple targets per basic attack. Additionally, hitting both enemies in duo lane (if they are close enough together) really allows you to make it hard for the enemy team to keep up pressure in the lane.