Predecessor Builds > Serath > Scaling Serath

Seraph is my favorite jungler, but I was finding that she was weak early game, and if you don’t steamroll she would be weak late game.
In trying to fill the gaps in her usefulness, I came up with this sort of hybrid assassin/bruiser build that is actually killing it for me.
Start with Malady to begin building stacks ASAP. Then Build Overlord and Bonesaw for survivability, utility, and even faster jungle clear. You want those both built when you evolve your crest into Saphir’s and take full advantage of bonus HP also providing bonus damage.
The last three items:
Nightfall provides a sort of pseudo omnivamp due to its life steal and passive, and it provides survivability on takedowns.
Next Add Deathstalker and watch your attack speed when Bonesaw gets 3 stacks go through the roof. You can achieve the attack speed of a high attack speed build without building any attack speed items at all.
Lastly, Penumbra is will add more attack speed (via Deathstalker) more HP which also adds attack power (via Overlord and Bonesaw) and allows you to really get multi-kills when combined with Nightstalker.
At full build, all your melee is a small, potent AoE that is great in teamfights, and once you secure one kill, you shield up, reduce your cooldowns, and then maul the next person to rinse and repeat.
If you get a strong steamroll going with a lot of stacks in Saphir’s you can 1v5 the enemy team late game. It’s the only build I’ve ever gotten a Quadra kill with in Pred.
Be cautious early game because enemy junglers frequently invade Serath because they know she is weak.
At level 2 put a point into her leap ability so you have a means of escape if the enemy jungler invades and catches you at a bad time.