Predecessor Builds > Grux > Grux Around and Find Out
You want to go Warrior Crest for Iceskorn Talons.
Warrior Crest = Iceskorn Talons: Warrior crest will give you extra starting damage and typically Offlane fighters go with this item. Iceskorn Talons will slow enemies when chasing kills and even help you escape when being chased.
Starting Items:
Start by building Ruthless Broadsword and attempt to fully build the Basilisk. Some match ups are close fights but you want to finish Basilisk before moving on to armor or Sky Splitter.
Basilisk: Basilisk is a fantastic starting weapon and generally your match up will go with this, Fire Blossom, or Sky Splitter. The Corrode and Eminence abilities from this item is what makes grux shine. Grux’s bleed damage from his passive works towards corrode causing it to max out at 6 stacks quickly. Once the target is at 6 stacks you now deal 3% of the target’s missing health each basic attack. This blends nicely into Grux’s Ultimate and the next item, Sky Splitter, due to the increased attack speed.
Sky Splitter: This is always my second item. Increase your attack speed first to maximize the Basilisk’s abilities. This item increase’s Grux’s passive omnivamp helping you stay in the fight longer. It also deals 4% of the target’s current health as damage. While Basilisk is dealing missing health as damage this deals current health as damage, the mix of these items bursts your enemies health down quickly.
Mid Game:
Depending on your opponent and what items they are focusing on will depend on whether you build Tainted items or Demolisher. Another factor is the scenario of the fights you have been dealing with. If you are taking significant damage early game or the jungle is rotating into Offlane more than the other lanes, you may want to start with Tainted Guard. Otherwise, the Offlane match up will typically have some type of healing ability and you will want the tainted rounds to negate some of that.
Tainted Rounds: When the match up opponent is going heavy with healing you will want this item and you might consider grabbing the Serrated Blade early even if you are planning on going with another item as the third item. Tainted Rounds are chosen because it will increase your attack speed, give you crit chance, and deals significant on-hit damage early and into the late game.
Tainted Guard: Tainted Guard is strong when dealing with on hit enemies. It stacks with Grux’s passive bleed and deals it to everyone that targets you. If dealing with Magical and Physical enemies it may be better to go Frostguard to slow the attacks against you by up to 15%. If dealing with more Magic dealers Crystalline Cuirass would be a better option.
Late Game:
If the game goes into late game your last item can focus on a range of items depending on the state of the game. The below are my recommendations depending on the game, but if you have a specific item you'd prefer then use what you are comfortable with.
Demolisher: If you are Ganking the enemy early and often this may be better to build out than armor. It adds to crit chance making Tainted Rounds hit harder and it ignores physical armor which stacks with The Perforator.
The Perforator: When you are dealing ability damage this slows the target, when mixed with your crest, Iceskorn Talons, the enemy has a difficult time getting away from you. Stacks well with Demolisher as it adds physical penetration and ignores 28% armor. With both items you are ignoring over half of the enemies armor which will destroy Tanks.
Tank Items:
Void Helm: This is great against magical enemies but it also increase healing from your items and your passive ability.
** Fire Blossom:** This stacks well with Grux’s bleed damage as it burns the enemy while you are near them. This is mostly protecting against physical damage dealers and may be a go to if the enemy Carry is becoming unmanageable.
Crush, for the uppercut stun, back up for the Smash ‘N Grab pull, Warlord’s Challenge for the stun and attack speed, Double Pain for the double on hit effect, then swing away. As long as the enemy doesn’t have a blink you can stun them 1.75 seconds giving you enough time for you and your team to burst down their health.