Predecessor Builds > Khaimera > Jungle agent Heavy

For Starters: As the game goes through this transition lately, genk heavy & aggressive jungle play is an absolute must now at high level play!
Reasons for Items:
Talons because Fenix is predictable & easily countered during team fights.
Berserker Axe for DMG, Slow & a small addition to your movement speed needed to run down opps.
Overlord for teamfights, to deal significantly greater dmg to the targets around you, you aren’t hitting, making the transfer of focus after a kill, SO much better
Boneseeker #1 for extra health, #2 for ability haste & to increase attack speed making you a faster killer, & multi kills easier to achieve during those teamfights.
Mutilator is straight up for dmg during fights especially against opp jungler
Basilisk For Health & more DMG + Penetration against some of the tanks on the map.
Summary: this build is legit, my favorite build! Almost 4K health, huge attack speed buff, super strong physical power & a significant amount of ability haste as well, makes this a super strong fighting/sustained fighting build for jungling. Tanking damage & being frontline, taking out that first pick in team fights to shift the tide. Boneseeker is such an underrated & low key overpowered tool. I promise you’ll be trucking the enemy team over in late game, full build your almost unstoppable